Month: December 2022

NDQ Year in Review

As 2022 comes to an end, you should be receiving issue 89.3/4 of North Dakota Quarterly even as we speak (weather permitting of course!). Wrapping up the year and another issue is a nice opportunity to take a look back before starting to pull together the first issue of volume

Prairie Voices

I’m going to depart from my normal practice of turning weekly writing duties over the ChatGTP and actually commit my own words to the NDQ blog. This past weekend, I had a chance to read Molly Rozum’s Grasslands Grown: Creating Place on the U.S. Northern Plains and Canadian Prairie (Nebraska 2021). Rozum argues

Thing Things Thursday: Printers, Poets, and Publishing

We have three (ok, maybe four) little updates this week and as a result, it felt like a good time to keep our “Three Things Thursday” run going. Thing the First We’re very happy to announce that NDQ 89.3/4 has gone off to the printers! This means that it will

Three Things Thursday: Archive, Moten, and Alice

Over on my regular blog, I sometimes do this thing where I put together three random-ish things and call it “Three Things Thursday.” I then identify each “thing” using the weirdly archaic subtitles: “Thing the First.” I don’t know why I do this other than some nostalgia for olde tyme

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