Month: December 2018

North Dakota Quarterly (and Friends) for the Holidays!

If you’re anything like me, the end of the year means frantic shopping for friends and loved ones and the search for meaningful gifts. I always look to give gifts that remain special and significant long after the holiday season is over.  SUBSCRIBE TO NDQ FOR THE HOLIDAYS! This year,

Getting the Brand Back Together

I really dislike the concept of branding. In particular, I dislike the idea that brands have value and that there is a responsibility to the value inherent in a brand. Over the past few years, I’ve been confronted by a number of individuals who view the brand as major part

A Song about Your Needs

The other day, while getting the last of the contributor’s bios and publication agreements together for North Dakota Quarterly 85, Rick Watson sent along a little song.  It’s nothing particularly fancy, but when I received it, first thing in the morning, it made my day. I asked Rick if I

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