Month: August 2020

Photos from Home During the Time of COVID

There’s a lot going on in the world today and so much of it hits home. As a window onto the home front, our art editor, Ryan Stander, generously agreed to share some of the photos that he’s taken during the time of COVID.  Ryan frames these photos as follows: As

Three Things on a Thursday: submissions open, a new book, and some poetry

Bill Caraher | Over at my personal blog, I often bundle a few short posts together on something called “Three Things Thursday.” I mostly do this because it’s alliterative and who in the 21st century doesn’t love alliteration? So here’s a little festival of stuff for your Thursday enjoyment: Thing The

Priscilla Long in the Quarterly

Bill Caraher | Yesterday, I sent the last pieces for issue 87.3/4 out for copy editing ahead to get a bit of a jump on what will likely be a hectic fall semester here in North Dakota Quarterly-land.  To celebrate, I had planned to make a short announcement that we

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