Month: February 2020

Of Bagpipes and Brexit, Cabbages and Kings

North Dakota Quarterly issue 87.1/2 is almost ready to go to typesetting. One of the finishing touches on any issue s the editor’s note. For this issue, we’re lucky enough to have an editor’s note from Sheila Liming, our non-fiction editor. That this coincides with the re-opening of non-fiction submissions

War, Influenza, and the University

Like many people, I’ve been watching the spread of coronavirus with a combination of fascination and shock. Watching a virus traverse the world via our dense network of travel, community, and institutions is a remarkable reminder of the vital global flows that make our situation possible. It seems to speak to something

Two Poems from Whitney Waters

One the best things about NDQ is working with our editors and the diverse group of folks who make up our editorial board. They’re a remarkably generous and creative group and it’s always a pleasure to share their work with a broader audience. This week, we feature two poems by Whitney Waters, our

Black History Month at NDQ

Black History month presents an opportunity to reflect on the wide range of achievements by black and African-American writers, thinkers, musicians, artists, and activists. As part of our effort to direct attention to their work and to recognize the range accomplishments, the NDQ editorial board put together this little gaggle of links

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