Month: April 2018

Upon Retirement

Upon Retirement Jessica Walsh Tumble shine my bones, articulate me in the anatomy lab where all who used my name may scrape wrist and rib seek heart shell smell ghosted marrow tap my sternum as if to listen for my permission thrumming low down bones steer my jaw around what

Announcing the Dakota Access Poetry Prize!

Celebrating our recent Submittable subscription (which means we can now take submissions on line (and that we once again haz accessible), NDQ is now accepting submissions for the first Dakota Access Poetry Prize (DAPP). This prize is in line with our forthcoming collection of essays on the humanities in the age of austerity. To

Transnational Poetry in Practice: Indigenous Poetry and Snichimal Vayuchil

On Thursday April 12, Western Carolina University partnered with indigenous poets from North Carolina and Mexico to host a Transnational Indigenous Poetry event. WCU welcomed Kimberly L Becker, a poet of mixed Cherokee, Celtic, and Teutonic descent, and was joined through video calling with the Tsotsil Maya Collective Snichimal Vayuchil.

NDQ has Reopened Submissions!

It is with a good bit of excitement that we announce that North Dakota Quarterly has reopened submission for fiction, poetry, and non-fiction for a volume to be published this fall. As part of this process, we’ve revised our submission guidelines to reflect the changing character of the board and, we

Dadaist Thursday

I don’t think Dadaist Thursday is a thing, but I wish that it was. Yesterday, I was talking to friend-of-the-Quarterly Paul Worley about an upcoming poetry prize offered by the NDQ (you heard it here first) and various other anti-capitalist and anti-modern kind of things, and he brought up that the

As Venus Stations Retrograde

As Venus Stations Retrograde Wendy Chin-Tanner silver moon sliver spoon kindness of slow summer dawn who blooms unfurling susurrus shredding night shedding darkness rising up she stares at mother’s face great dark sky her skin flecked with stars ~ Wendy Chin-Tanner is the author of the poetry collection Turn (Sibling

The Problem of the Teacher

As the second installment in our North Dakota Quarterly Reader, I offer this short essay from the inaugural issue of the Quarterly in 1910: “The Problem of the Teacher.” The talk was delivered by Luther C. Freedman of Morningside College in Iowa after Albert Ross Hill, President of the University


Filigree Wendy Chin-Tanner Orion’s bright daughter Capella visible now Chiron’s in Pisces full circle of winter stars again circling it will not stop breath of wood leaf rot rock the rushing water cold wisps of day light cobwebs in her hair ~ Wendy Chin-Tanner is the author of the poetry

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