Month: June 2021

Donald Junkins Red Point Journal: Swan’s Island, Summer 2001

This spring, the passing of our former poetry editor Donald Junkins saddened the NDQ community. Junkins was a poet, educator, and editor both for the Quarterly and the Massachusetts Review. In recognition of his contributions to NDQ and his work, we thought we’d republish a collection of his poems from

Fiction: Kathleen Lynch Baum’s A Spy in Vienna, Seduced

It is our pleasure to share Kathleen Lynch Baum’s short story, “A Spy in Vienna, Seduced.” It is a complicated love story, a seduction, and shot through with the anxieties of relationships, cultural displacement, and indeterminacy. It is the ideal long read for a midsummer weekend and perfect for those

A Poem by John Walser: Chronoscope 181: And that spot

Last week, I mentioned that as the day grow longer, time seems to slow down a bit. I tend to take advantage of the longer days by going for long rides in the North Dakota countryside. Invariably these rides lead to the places described in this poem.  John Walser’s Chronoscope series

Fiction from Katie Edkins Milligan: Witness

Summertime is reading season when for many people, the pace of life slows down a bit as days get longer and with that extra daylight comes a feeling that there is always time to read one more chapter or one more poem. To celebrate the long days of June and July,

Submission Period Extended (just a tiny bit!)

I have no idea how it is June 3rd already. This year has done strange things with time. In some cases, COVID isolation has caused one day to bleed into the next giving the past year a sense suspended animation. To recognize the strange things that are happening to time,

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